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Archive for Februari 2014

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia : Rangkuman Isi Buku Ilmu Pengetahuan Popular

By : Unknown
Judul Buku: Budidaya Ikan Di Kantong Jaring Terapung 
Pengarang: Khoironi 
Penerbit: PT Musi Perkasa Utama
Tahun Terbit : 2005

Ringkasan :
Budidaya Ikan Di Kantong Jaring Terapung Jaring terapung kini, telah banyak terpasang di danau atau bendungan, biasanya dirakit menjadi satu unit yang terdiri dari empet jaring kolam dan satu gudang. Jaring kolam biasanya berukuran panjang 7 cm, lebar 7 cm dan kedalaman 3 cm. Bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat jaring atau unit jaring adalah bambu, drum, kayu kaso, jaring, jangkar besar dan kecil, tambang plastik, paku dan kawat.Cara merakit unit jaring yang pertama bambu dipasang diatas drum dipaku dengan kaso, kemudian jaring ditarik sesuai keinginan, selanjutnya jangkar besar dipasang kemudian dihanyutkan di dasar perairan, kantong jaring dipasang, dan yang terakhir jangkar kecil dipasang untuk meregangkan kantong jaring. Untuk menempatkan unit jaring dibutuhkan persyaratan agar dapat menilai jaring itu baik. Persyaratan itu adalah sebagai berikut luas perairan, kedalaman perairan, arus air, jalur angin kencang dan yang terakhir adalah sinar matahari. Pemeliharaan bisa dilakukan dengan dua sistem yaitu sistem tunggal dan sistem lapis. Yang akan kita bahas pertama yang akan kita bahas adalah cara pemeliharaan system tunggal. Yang pertama pendederan: Jaring yang digunakan halus dan diberi makanan tambahan telur rebus dan susu. Kemudian penderan yang ke dua dilakukan pelepasan benih dengan cara pak atau bungkus benih dibuka dan dibiarkan di perairan dengah bersih hingga bisa menyesuaikan diri. Selanjutnya adalah Pemberian pakan, biasanya benih ikan belum mengenal makanan maka dari itu kita harus memperkenalkan dengean cara memasang kain kemudian dibentangkan di jaring pada pemukaan tepi jaring kolam. Pakan yang digunakan berupa pelet khusus dan sebisa mungkin benih jangan sampai kelaparan. Penjarangan, yaitu penyortiran atau pengelompokan, dan yang terakhir adalah pemanenan, yaitu memanen ikan yang dipelihara biasanya pemanenan dilakukan setelah ikan dipelihara selama 1 bulan. Pemeliharaan sstem selapis yaitu dengan cara menggunakan kantong jaring berlapis, ada lapis atas dan lapis bawah. Ada dua sistem lapis per jaring kolam atau lapis per unit. Lapis per jaring kolam setiap jaringmenggunakan lapisan atas atau bawah sedangkan jika lapis per unit cukup satu saja yang diberi lapisan yaitu pada lapisan bawah jaring. Hal yang harus diperhatikan pada jaring apung yaitu memasang unit jaring dengan memperhatikan perkiraan, jaring harus diperiksa sebelum menebar benih ikan, agar ikan tidak takut pada orang kantong jaring diangkat dan ikan tidak diberi pakan satu hari setelah itu dikembalikan seperti semula, cuaca mendung ikan tidak boleh diberi pakan terlalu banyak, jika ada arus balik kotoran jaring diangkat ke atas.

Sword Art Online

By : Unknown
Yesterday i watch Kokoro no Tomo and they talk about LISA. It remind me Sword art Online so I decide to review Sword art Online in this Blog.

In the year 2022, the Virtual reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG), Sword Art Online (SAO), is released. With the Nerve Gear, a virtual reality Helmet that stimulates the user’s five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds. On November 6, 2022, all the players log in for the first time, and subsequently discover that they are unable to log out. They are then informed by Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of SAO, that if they wish to be free and log out of the game, they must reach the 100th floor of the game’s tower and defeat the final boss. However, if their avatars die in-game, their bodies will also die in the real world. The story follows Kirito, a skilled player who is determined to beat the game.

Sword Art Online Quotes :
Lately, there are days I can’t even remember the other world. And it isn’t just me. Recently, fewer and fewer people have been giving their all to clear the game.
Kirito (Sword Art Online)

If we make it back to the real world. I’ll find you again. And fall in love with you again.Asuna (Sword Art Online)

I too, was looking for something. Something real in this world. For me, it was the warmth of your hand.Lizbeth (Sword Art Online)
I was just dreaming a little. About my old world. It’s strange… In the dream, I wondered if everything here, in Aincard, if everything that had happened with you, was only a dream. I was really scared. I’m happy this wasn’t a dream.Asuna (Sword Art Online)
I cried alone every single night. It felt like every day that passed here stole another piece of my real life away. After i cried, I’d go and fight as hard as I could. My only thought was winning, moving forward, and getting stronger.Asuna (Sword Art Online)
Even if i die, you keep living okay? Live to see the end of this world, and to see why it was born. Live to see why a weak girl like me ended up here… And the reason you and I met.Sachi (Sword Art Online)
If you married someone, that means you love every side of your significant other that you already know. So if you find a new side after to love, doesn’t that mean you’ll love your partner even more?Kirito (Sword Art Online)


By : Unknown
ara ara~~ i have done watching Sankarea (さんかれあ) ^o^ its a bit weird... but I love it :D..
synopsis :
Furuya's not interested in the living, he's got zombies on the brain! When Furuya's cat dies, he decides he's going to try and bring it back to life. In the process, he stumbles across a girl who is involved in an accident and turns into a real zombie! What's Furuya going to do now that the thing he loves the most is right in front of his eyes?

Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 6, 2012 to Jun 29, 2012
Producers: Studio Deen, FUNimation Entertainment, Lantis, Pony Canyon, TBS, Kodansha, BS-TBS, Sankarea Production Committee
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Duration: 24 min. per episode

Some Character and The Voice actor :
Name : Furuya Chihiro
Seiyuu : Shintani Ryoko
The protagonist, a first year student at Shiyou Boys High School. His father is a Shinto priest. He is "everything-what-zombie-freak". He makes a potion that can bring the dead back to life. The first animal he revived as a zombie was his dead cat, Babu, and the first human he revived as a zombie was Sanka Rea. 

Name : Sanka Rea
Seiyuu : Uchida Maaya
Rea is the heroine of the story who steals and drinks some of the zombie potion made by Chihiro in an attempt to commit suicide because of the sheltered life she lives. She fails in the attempt but she resurrects as zombie when she accidentally falls of a cliff and dies. As a zombie, she lives together with Chihiro in order to know how it feels to become free from her father's chains. 

Name : Baabu
Seiyuu : Fukuen Misato
Chihiro's dead cat who has been revived by him.

Name : Furuya Mero
Seiyuu : Iguchi Yuka
Chihiro's 12-year-old little sister. She likes to dress as a ghost and is quite expressionless. Despite this, she loves her brother very much and often teases him. 

Okay That's all for the character. if you want to know more just watch Sankarea :D

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